WatStech was originally a spin-off company from the University of Wolverhampton and was first formed as a research group in 2000. In 2005, WatStech Ltd. was created which in 2008 became an independent company. WatStech Ltd. is a research and consultancy company providing technical support to the Water Industry for over 10 years, with a focus on applied research and problem solving for treatment difficulties faced by the water industry. WatStech Ltd. has expertise in water and wastewater treatment with practical experience in full-scale, pilot-scale and lab-scale treatment processes. WatStech Ltd. has fully equipped laboratories for process testing and development of specialist analytical techniques. The trademarked analysis service called RapStech® was developed specifically for the water industry, to determine granular activated carbon (GAC) regeneration time scales to meet drinking water standards.
WatStech Ltd. is a framework supplier for “Wastewater Sampling & Specialist Analysis” to Severn Trent Water Ltd. from 2010-15. It provides regular site sampling and analysis services for many wastewater sites throughout the Severn Trent region and assists in the feasibility studies for full-scale plant design for the Asset Management Programme 5 (AMP5) and beyond. WatStech is a key member of the team for operating & monitoring pilot plants that are using novel technologies for the treatment of wastewaters within the West Midlands. WatStech Ltd. also works with other industry sectors; including food & drinks manufacturing, pharmaceutical products and metal processing such as the Galvanising industry.
WatStech has a team of qualified and technical experts with over 30 years of experience in water and wastewater including feasibility and project scoping studies, pilot-scale and full-scale evaluations, project management as well as research & development activities.
Main tasks in the project:
- WP3: operation of pilot plants for phosphorous removal at demonstration site (No. 13) Packington
- WP7 exploitation plan development for innovative, low energy enhanced P-removal technologies